Chandra Grahana Shanti Puja

Chandra Grahana Shanti Puja

Chandra Grahana Shanti Puja Overview:

Rahu Grasta Pakshika Chandra Grahana is happening on 28th Oct. Performing remedial pujas on 29th October once after the Grahan gets over will remove the malefic effects. You can organize Chandra Grahana Shanti Puja using our Online ePuja Services hassle free and safely. Puja will be done at Pithapuram, Padagaya Kshetram

Key Insights :

  • Chandra Grahanam is on 28th Oct (early hours of 29th Oct 1:05 AM – 2:22 AM).
  • It is happening on Ashwini Nakshatra / Mesha Rashi.
  • Offering dana for Rahu and Chandra will get removed all bad effects.
  • Our Pandits will perform the Chandra Grahana Shanti Puja via Video Calling.
  • Pandit will share the Online Navagraha Japa Puja list which need to arrange from your end.

Our Assurance :

  • Professional & experienced Vedic Pandit will perform the Chandra Grahana Shanti Puja.
  • Will perform the entire ritual in Vedic Procedures & Standards.
  • Professional Guidance & Effective Support.
  • Our Success Sutra:
    Accurate, Assure, Authenticity.

Book a Pandit for Chandra Grahana Shanti Puja


What is Chandra Grahana / Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse, also known as Chandra Grahan, is a celestial event where the Earth moves directly between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Moon to enter the Earth’s shadow.

Lunar eclipses come in different types: total, partial, and penumbral, with each type varying in the degree to which the Moon is obscured by Earth’s shadow.

In many cultures and belief systems, lunar eclipses are considered significant events, often associated with symbolism, spiritual practices, and astrological interpretations.

Chandra Grahan 2023 Date and Time in India

Lunar Eclipse Begins – October 29, 2023 – 01:05 AM

Lunar Eclipse Ends – October 29, 2023 – O2:24 AM

Sutak Time – October 28, 2023 – 02:50 PM to 02:24 AM.

Lunar Eclipse Impact on Zodiac Signs

Aries: Expect confusion, a lack of confidence, and difficulty making life decisions

Taurus: Prepare for potential relationship challenges and a need for personal refinement.

Gemini: Opportunities for business gains may come your way, but be prepared for potential home troubles.

Cancer: A growing interest in spirituality can be beneficial, though stability in life may waver.

Leo: A heightened interest in the arts, positive relations with your spouse, but potential business losses due to emotional decisions1.

Virgo: Business expansion may lead to increased expenses; avoid stinginess and handle family matters with care.

Libra: Keep a check on your anger, drive cautiously to prevent accidents.

Scorpio: Decision-making abilities may be hindered, and concerns about your father’s health could arise.

Sagittarius: Doubts may surface regarding your knowledge; choose advice wisely.

Capricorn: You’ll reap full benefits from your efforts, but avoid family disputes at all costs.

Aquarius: Auspicious outcomes are expected in your life under Saturn’s influence; refrain from alcohol and non-vegetarian food to avoid delays in desired results.

Pisces: Careful with your words to protect your reputation, and be discerning about the advice you accept.

What is the best remedial measure for Chandra Grahan Yoga

Meditation and Mantras: Many people believe that chanting specific mantras or meditating during the eclipse can help mitigate the negative effects of Grahan Yoga.

Charity and Donations: Making charitable donations, especially of food, clothes, or other essentials, during the eclipse is considered a way to counteract the negative energy.

Taking a Ritual Bath: Some follow the practice of taking a ritual bath after the eclipse to cleanse themselves of any negative influences.

Avoidance of Food: In some traditions, people avoid eating during the eclipse and break their fast after it ends.

Reciting Scriptures: Reading or reciting holy scriptures or texts is believed to have a purifying effect during Grahan Yoga.

Meditation and Prayer: Engaging in personal prayer or meditation is a common practice to seek protection and positive energy.


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